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Don't worry about the translations, in september i'll be adding lots of them: In any case, I see no form. Oct 12, 6: It can't do that without knowing how the report looks in every possible language supported by the game - and that would be too clumsy. Which reminds me of another thing - OSimulate seems to support only 2 languages too English and, what is that, Italian? Or more heavy ships, like battlecruisers? That's why I see no point right now in supporting it in antigame this way. websim speedsim

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It will look completely identical and you can log in as always. As far as I can see, OSimulate doesn't have such a form - although it's not quite clear to me how exactly you read the espionage report, which the user has pasted into the corresponding dialog. Powered by monkeys and unicorns with the help of many friends. Problem is, most of the time the main question the player has is "Is the battle profitable?

In the rare cases when the equivalent profit is zero i. Perhaps a better result would be achieved by adding more "fodder" i.

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Powered by monkeys and unicorns with the help of many friends. On the one hand, my current implementation is not parsing the report but submitting it to the simulator to be parsed ewbsim.

Instead, AntiGame passes via the URL only the coordinates source and destination and the techs of the player. There is a textarea where the user pastes the espionage report and two buttons, one of which probably invokes a script that reads and parses the textarea.

If you want AntiGame to be able to support your simulator, somewhere on your site there should be a form via which the whole sebsim report can be submitted to it. This approach won't work for AntiGame.

Someone should definitely update or downgrade a simulator online. I don't know whether antigame parses the report itself or simply forwards it sleedsim websim, but in the latter case there won't be any problem in making the integration. The reason why there is no form is that there is no server processing: That means the page and the forum should load much faster now. Or more heavy ships, like battlecruisers?


All speedsmi of the attacker are converted into equivalent metal, using the 3: For quite a long time all I'm able to do have been just reparing things after ogame updates. And what if somebody steals the debris? Now there is a - currently incomplete - tutorial and a new FAQ available.

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After it simulates a battle, it produces all kind of results - not only who won and who lost, but the exact losses of each side in metal, crystal and deuteriumthe size of the debris spewdsim in metal and crystalthe deuterium spent to reach the target, the amount of plundered resources in metal, crystal and deuterium, if the battle is won, of course and so on.

And because there's changed so much, I'd like to do a public beta test before making it the default online simulator. The first number is the equivalent profit without the debris.

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Jul 25, wehsim New SpeedSim website almost done! If you find any error or problem, you can inform me over the forum or IRC. It is a new battle simulator: I've modified a couple of things and I submitted it to board origin: There's DragoSim but it was the v0. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google Plus 0 Reddit 0. Trust me, it's not as simple as that.

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It is not as websum as replacing the URL. Hence, parsing depends on how many languages the simulator supports. But I'll let the author of AntiGame decide.

The usual "thank you" goes to Black Cat for helping me figure out how to detect that the simulator has finished simulating.

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