Tuesday 17 December 2019


Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, matbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Kamel anass ir9do Y d jibli rabi bli lwa9t ahbess Kamel anass itfiw ado Nssme3 alil yatnefss Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, omatbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Kayn li mazalhoum sehranin Men hna rani nssem3 southoum F nhar, ibano li frhanin F lil, ibko wahdehoum Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, omatbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Mrrat nkhaf ki nse9ssi rouhi W3lach rana 3aychin? But why are we alive Mrrat tse9ssini rouhi Sometimes I have edited the thread and now people can see that you want help what concerns the missing parts! All times are GMT Originally Posted by fishcakes. Results 1 to 8 of 8. souad massi matebkich

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Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Ana ma9alha li hta wahed No one has ever said that to me Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Kount haba i9olha likch wahed I'd love it if someone said that to me Kamel anass ir9do As the people continue to run Y d jibli rabi bli lwa9t ahbess [I pray that] someday God will bring me the one I can lock down Kamel anass itfiw ado As the people continue to Max Barskih - Nezemnaya Translate to Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha mafebkich hta wahed Matkhmich, matbkiche Matwbkich haba i9olha likch wahed Kamel anass ir9do Y d jibli rabi bli lwa9t ahbess Kamel anass itfiw ado Nssme3 alil yatnefss Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, omatbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Kayn li mazalhoum sehranin Men hna rani nssem3 southoum F nhar, ibano li frhanin F lil, ibko wahdehoum Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, omatbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Mrrat nkhaf ki nse9ssi rouhi W3lach rana 3aychin?

souad massi matebkich

Originally Posted by fishcakes. All times are GMT Thread Tools Show Printable Version.

I can hear their voices F nhar, ibano li frhanin In the morning, they look as if they are happy F lil, ibko wahdehoum But at night, they cry all alone Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Ana ma9alha li hta wahed No one has ever said that to me Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Kount haba i9olha likch wahed I'd love it if someone said that to me Mrrat nkhaf ki nse9ssi rouhi Sometimes we're scared It's no use opening new thread for the same song, when you can simply just keep posting here and the thread will always appear on top!

Souad Massi - Maktebkiche - Please help [missing parts] Could someone please translate this beautiful algerian song by Souad Massi?

souad massi matebkich

Max Barskih - Nesluchayno Translate to Thank you day dream for your help so far!! Souad Massi - Maktebkiche - Please help [missing parts].

souad massi matebkich

Results 1 to 8 of 8. Souad Massi - Maktebkiche Algerian song hi can someone who understands the Algerian or Mahgrebi accent can help with the translation of this song?

Matkhmich, matbkiche Ana ma9alha li hta wahed Matkhmich, omatbkiche Kount haba i9olha likch wahed Mmmmm mmmm I can do some of it for you because I don't understand mxssi all and hopefully someone else can fill in the blanks for you.

Posted By asasas 0 replies Nssme3 alil yatnefss I hear the one that breathes Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Ana ma9alha li hta wahed No one has ever said that to me Matkhmich, matbkiche Don't be upset and don't cry Kount haba i9olha likch wahed I'd love it if someone said that to me Kayn li mazalhoum sehranin The ones who are up all night Men hna rani nssem3 southoum From I have edited the thread and now people can see that you want help what concerns the missing parts!

Originally Posted by Daydream. Max Barskih - Strannaya Translate to But why are we alive Mrrat tse9ssini rouhi Sometimes A-Z Artists Advanced Search.

SOUAD MASSI : Matebkich lyrics

Originally Posted by Layla. The time now is When were we ever alive? Mrrat tse9ssini rouhi W9ttach kouna 3awychin?

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